New Sonoff Zigbee Bridge and Sensors hit the FCC - CC2652 based!
CC2652 Zigbee Bridge (source: UPDATE: Slated release March 2022 And just like that iTead Sonoff drops the mic and busts out with some new Zigbee gear to hit the FCC to top of the fun of 2021. I'm really hoping they got them right this time around. The previous version motion sensor performed rather poorly and was full of issues in my motion sensor round up video. The door sensor had battery contact issues for some users as well so here's and early drink to them pulling the nose up! So the really cool thing when I looked at the internal photos was the CC2652 chipset! NICE! It might be a little overkill'ish but I do get it from an economy of scale type thing. Why not do it all CC2652? The chipset works so well and they've hit a sweet spot with the USB CC2652 series coordinator, so it seems they are going all in with this chipset. On the release list is the button, temp/humidity sensor, motion sensor, door/window sensor and the Zigbee bridge. I know