Our first part of the I2C (I²C) sensor expansion with Tasmota. Add multiple sensors with minimal GPIO pin usage with a wide array of sensors on the market. Add additional GPIO pins, LUX, Humidity, Pressure, Gas, Etc. Parts Used in this Video: NodeMCU MCP23017 GPIO Expansion BME280 Temp/Humidity/Pressure SHT31 Temp/Humidity Female Jumper Wires PIR Motion AM312 Sensor ADS1115 4 Channel Analog Input Breadboard and Jumper Wires Tasmota Supported Sensors https://github.com/arendst/Sonoff-Tasmota/wiki/Sensors-Supported-by-Tasmota CP2102 USB Drivers: https://www.silabs.com/products/development-tools/software/usb-to-uart-bridge-vcp-drivers Precompiled Tasmota Bin with ADS1115 and MCP23017 i2c Enabled: https://github.com/digiblur/Sonoff-HydraBasic-Tasmota/raw/master/tasmota_6307_1m_i2c_sensors.bin MCP23017 Console Commands Used: sensor29 0,5 sensor29 1,5 sensor29 8,5 sensor29 0,T sensor29 1,T sensor29 8,T sensor29 3,2,0 sensor29 2,2,0 MCP23017 Rules: rul